I have been hearing about this car line thing for a couple years now but I never truly understood until now!!! Holy cow is it a serious process!!!! I told you the first day I got in line at 1:30pm for a 2:15 pick up and I was 15th in line and when we left there were probably 200 cars waiting behind us even blocking the entrance to our neighborhood and out to the main road!!! Crazy!!! And I have to report that the days since then have been just as crazy!!! The first day my friend Layne warned me to watch Jackson's face as they brought him out to my car and she was right! It was priceless like a deer in the headlights! He looked so little and confused and not sure what the heck was going on!! I should have taken a picture but I was just as confused and overwhelmed that I was only focused on finding Jackson, getting him in my car and going home but it is definitely a face that I will always remember! He got in my car and said did you see that "life saver" bring me to the car she was nice! Jackson was referring to the safety patrol! LOL! But there is a part of me that thinks he came up with that name because he truly thought she was a "life saver" amongst all this confusion!!!! We went from picking him up at his classroom of 10 kids everyday at Rainbow Garden to this huge school of 900 plus! So today as Addison and I (side note: Addison has been awesome in car line just sleeping away thank goodness) were again waiting in carline I was 10th in line and I got here at 1:18pm and I spent my time blogging, working, texting with Layne in her car line too and hoping to get a quick picture of little Jackson being escorted by the sweet "life savers" :-) welcome to car line!!!
Being escorted by the "lifesaver!" |
Jackson was telling the lifesaver that I was right there!!!! |
Walking to my car!!! |
And today was also a great day as Addison and I were able to go have lunch with Jackson!! We ate in the cafeteria with his class and I was able to meet and get to know some of his classmates too!! It was super loud and crazy in the cafeteria it definitely brought me back to being in the school cafeteria myself (which I was never really fond of!)!! Jackson was so thrilled we came to lunch and introduced us to everyone and asked if we could come every Friday!! It was great spending time with my little guy I have missed him these last few days!!! And I know one day he will be too cool to want me to come eat lunch with him so I have to embrace the opportunity while I can!!! And another side note I know its only the first week of school (which has seemed like the longest week ever!!!) but we haven't been late once!! Although its bound to happen at some point since we keep leaving later and later every morning!!! Enjoy the pictures from our lunch!!
Enjoying his lunch!! |
They made gingerbread hats today and went on a gingerbread hunt!! |
Some of Jackson's class!! |
Jackson's manikin its suppose to resemble them it was his first homework of the year!!! He wanted fish on his shirt and shorts because he loves to fish with Pops!! |