Last saturday was a BIG day for Jackson which meant it was a big day for Ryan and I too!!! First I took Jackson to a rollerskating party for a friend of his from school and it was his 1st time ever on skates!! It was slightly difficult at first since Jackson didn't know how to skate and I was trying to remember myself to teach him but then we got the cart to help him and he was all good!! He had a blast skating and playing with all the games!! I thought about trying to skate with him but decided it wasn't a good idea and I didn't need any broken bones!! By the end he had gotten the hang of it so I am pretty sure Jackson will be a pro at skating in no time!!
Love this picture!! |
Having fun! |
Skating with Olaf! |
Getting the hang of it! |
Really going now! |
THEN the big event happened!! Jackson lost his 1st TOOTH!! He was SO excited!! It had been loose for a few weeks but as I was trying to get ready for Ryan and I's date night I heard Jackson scream and run into my room with a mouth full of blood!! Come to find out while playing Addison knocked him in the mouth and the tooth came flying out!! I of course freaked out and screamed I dont like blood or teeth and ran outside to get Ryan just as Otie opened the front door! Otie came to the rescue and all was right in the world again!!! Jackson put the tooth in his tooth pillow and the tooth fairy came and left him $5!! He was so excited to tell us!! I keep looking at him and he seems like a much bigger boy now with a gaping hole in his mouth!!! I mean I remember losing my teeth and I just can't believe his is big enough for that! Again insert tear! Time needs to slow down! Enjoy the pictures of our toothless boy!!
Tooth is gone! |
His new smile with no tooth! |
Looks like a big boy! |
The baby tooth! |
He put it in his tooth pillow! |