Saturday, August 29, 2015

No Cavity Club!

So proud of these two for being in the No Cavity Club at the dentist!! They were thrilled because they of course get a prize!  But this was Addison's first official cleaning and she did great!!  She wouldn't let the hygenist floss her teeth but we did get them polished and all clean!! Here's to no cavities!!!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Evening Beach trip!

We love the beach as I am sure you can tell! So this particular Sunday I suggested an evening beach trip and everyone was all for it!  So we packed up, made margaritas and headed to the beach! We had a great time although the beach wasn't too much of a beach with all the rocks there. Jackson tripped on a rock and it tore his toenail off poor little guy and Ryan blew out a flipflop!  Feel like I am living a version of a Jimmy Buffett song lol!  Even with all that we still managed to have a great time and enjoyed just relaxing on the beach!!!  Until next time.......

Love this one!!

Addison LOVES the beach!

Handsome boy!

They were building with the rocks!

Stopped to take a Picture for mom!

Daddys little girl!

Playing football!

Sweet girl!
Family beach pic!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lovely evening with the Pepins!

We had such a lovely evening with the Pepin family a few weekends ago! Thank you Pepins!!  The girls are so cute together! Addison loves her some baby Beckham and I am pretty sure that she will be calling her that for years to come!!  And the boys had a blast fishing and well just being the fun boys that they all are!!  We ended the night with a super fun golf cart ride, Thanks Mr. Mike!!  We had a great time and must do it again soon!!

Besties who love Lilly!

Good times!

Golf Cart ride!!

Too funny!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Addison's 30 month checkup!

This little cutie had her 30 month check up and we found out she is growing like a little weed!!  

77% Percentile

55% Percentile

Addison just loves her big brother and still calls him yaya
Is a Daddys Girl
Loves Macaroni and Cheese
Will pretty much eat anything including pickles
Loves to be outside 
Absolutely loves playing with her babies just like her mama did
Her favorite place is the beach 
Always wants to talk on the phone to Mimi and Pop
Loves lollipops as her favorite treat
Is in the process and I use that word lightly of potty training
Favorite movie is Frozen and Home
Loves going to her Dance Class and My Gym
And is really such a little love we all just adore her!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

More Summer Fun!

This was a great summer filled with lots of fun minus Jackson's tonsil surgery of course!!  I tried my best to keep Jackson and Addison busy and entertained!!  Can't believe its already back to school next week!  Where did the summer go!  Good times always fly by I guess! Here are a few pictures from the summer of 2015!!  

Jackson hanging with his buddies at the bowling alley!

The bowlers!

These two had a blast! jackson won!

Miss trickster!

Lilly for target!
Snuggles up together watching a movie!

Tutu with her Pjs priceless!

Dancing at our favorite coffee shop!

Look out Addisons driving!


Pretending to be a baby! haha

Her first french braid done by Melanie!

Jackson and his buddy Tyler at karate camp!
Watching gator baseball with daddy!

Sangria with my good friend Tara!!

So fun to have Jean in town!


Good times with sweet friends!

Pedicure please!

Loved it!

Fun times on their scooters in the rain

Jammin to mimis ipod and headphones!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Summer Dance

Addison was so happy to continue dance through the summer!! We did another mommy and me class and had so much fun!!  Addison loves to dance and gets so excited every "dance day"!!  She is learning some ballet, jazz and even cheerleading!  She nailed that high V with her pom poms and loved it!  Maybe cheerleading is in her future!!  Enjoy the summer dance pictures!!  Looking forward to the fall dance classes and recital reveal!!

Perfecting the sprinkler!

And the roly poly!

She still busts out barbie girl moves every chance she gets!

Very serious about the sprinkler!

Go Team!!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Keys trip 2015!!

We were all excited for the Keys trip this year! Jackson and Addison had been talking about it for weeks! Addison barely slept the night before asking when we were going to Mimi and Pops house and Jackson had his bag packed for a week before we left!!  To say we were excited is an understatement!  We had a blast!!  We went "norkeling" as Addison called it, Jackson fished, had some fun times at the sandbar and of course did our annual 2 day lobstering frenzy!  Ryan and I had a date night and a night away in Key West thanks to Mimi and Pop!! And Aunt Lauren and Uncle Rob came too which was super fun!!  It was a great trip with lots of wonderful memories!!  Jackson and Addison keep asking when we are going back!!  Soon very soon!!  Thank you for having us Mimi and Pop we had an absolute blast!!  Enjoy!!

Addison fell asleep 5 miles before we arrived of course!

Date night and our first night of vacay!! Yipeee!

Paddle board ride!

My first time on a paddle board!  SO fun! Only issue was turning we might have hit a tree! lol!

Playing with Pop!

Jackson and Ryan snorkeling!

Addison wanted to help Pop drive the boat!

Straw Hat Guys! 

These two!
Holding a baby horseshoe crab!

Fun times with Mimi!

Our view <3

Family dive! Minus addison who wanted no part of it!

Sweet girl had a blast!

Holding a hermit crab!

Another baby horseshoe crab!

Addison holding it!

Our cute fisherman!
Mimi and Addison having fun!

Jackson and the horseshoe crab!

The girls!

Pop and his buddy in the tower!

Family sandbar pic after we saw a shark!

Jumping off the boat!

Cute pic!

Pop and Addison hanging out!


Checking out the lobsters!

Beach day while everyone was lobstering!

Ryans grouper! SO proud!


Addison checking out the lionfish!

Aunt Lauren and her buddy!

Sandbar football!

Caught it!

Key Deer!

Jackson and Addisons buddy


Yummy Margarita!!

Addison touching a lobster!

Haha she was so interested in them!

The boys!

The boys and Addison with the lobsters!

Annual family lobster pic!

Playing with the lobsters!

Having fun!


Snuggling with Pop!

Life is good!

Pedicab back to our hotel!

Before we headed to Blue Heaven for the most delicious dinner!

Beautiful Hotel
Day drinking!

Night drinking!!


More sandbar fun!

Uncle rob and Addison!

So fun!

Daddy Daughter time!

Handsome boy!!!

Until next time Keys!!!