Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!

After a very hectic week with Jackson's last week of school and work being crazy busy for Ryan and I we were thrilled to have a much needed relaxing weekend at Mimi and Pops house!!!  Jackson had a blast swimming in the pool all weekend and Addison had a fun weekend filled with a few firsts!!!  Addison went in the pool for the first time with Jackson and Daddy and seemed to like it (well actually the hot tub since the pool was still a little cold)!!  Although Jackson made it more like a wave pool which I think was a ploy to get Addison out faster so he could continue to play with Daddy which worked! And Pop took us out for Addison's first boat ride and she slept the whole time!!! It's always a fun time at Mimi and Pops house!!!!  And a great way to kick off the summer!!!  Enjoy!!!!!

Daddy's little girl!! 

Such a little doll!!!
Loves her daddy!!

Just hanging out in the hot tub!!!

Enjoying a little pool time!!!

Action Jackson!!

Having a blast!!!

Having fun!! Jackson has red zinc oxide on so he didn't get burned and we figured out red was a bad idea since it was all over everything Jackson touched by the end of the day!!!

Not so sure about this pool thing!!

Hanging with daddy!!
Hanging out with aunt Lauren!!!

Trying on her sun hat with Mimi!!!

Loves her aunt lauren although we missed seeing uncle rob this weekend!!!!

Putting on the lifejacket for the boat ride!!

Jackson's ready for the boat ride too!!!

Sitting with Aunt lauren for the boat ride!!

Sleepy girl!!

Love this sweet girl!!!

She loves her brother!!!

So sweet and so happy!!!

Addison loves sophie the giraffe!!!

Ryan , Jackson and Haley watching the sunset together!!!

Family picture on the dock watching the sunset!!!!

So cute!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Camp We're Outta Here!!!

This past Friday was Jackson's last day at The Rainbow Garden and the theme was "Camp We're Outta Here!" It was a very emotional day but a great one!!!!! I had Otie come watch Addison so I could be a part of the last day of preschool for Jackson and I am SO glad I was able to be there to share it with my little guy!!!! The camp theme was SO cute the kids all brought their sleeping bags and pillows and Miss Lisa had tents set up and it was just a good time had by all!!!! We had hotdogs for lunch and had a scavenger hunt and made s'mores!! And of course had one more story time with Miss Lisa!!!  Miss Lisas parting gift was a pet goldfish for all the kids so sweet although one we could have lived without being we just got rid of our fish tank a couple months ago! Oh well the kids were thrilled and Aunt Lauren is going to take care of it for us for awhile!!! I held it together pretty well until I hugged the Miss Barb, the director as I walked out of the building and that's when it hit me we won't be returning to The Rainbow Garden next year! :-( Then seeing all the kids play at the tree one last time, saying our goodbyes and seeing Jackson start crying because he was going to miss his friends and Miss Lisa it was then that my emotions got the best of me!!!!! It's been a great three years at Rainbow Garden and now we are going to enjoy the summer and get excited for all the good things in store for us such Jackson starting kindergarten in a few short months!!!!!!! Enjoying and embracing all moments!!!  Congratulations Jackson on 3 successful years at The Rainbow Garden!!!!!!  We are so proud of you!!!!!!!

1st Day of Pre-K!! He looks so little here!!

Last Day of Pre-K!! He looks like such a big boy now!!

Daddy with Jackson and Addison on the last day!!!

Trying to get a cute picture together however no one was cooperating!!!

Playing on the playground!!!

SO cute!!!! and SO Happy!!

Jackson's class lining up to go inside!!!

Scavenger Hunt!!!

Miss Lisa's parting gift of Goldfish!!!

They were all so excited!!! Miss Lisa was explaining how to care for it!!

Jackson was dipping his marshmallow in chocolate for s'mores!!!

The s'mores were delicious!!!

Taking a quick break from eating his s'mores for a picture with mom!!!

Eating lunch!!!

Enjoying some watermelon!!!

Hugs for Miss Lisa!!!

Jackson and Will holding their goldfish!!!!

Last time playing at the tree with Will and Cameron!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy 4 months to Addison!!!!

Addison is 4 months old and 13 days to be exact but it has been a little busy around here so I just now took her 4 month pictures tonight!!!!  And to my defense she was very sick on her 4 month birthday so she was not in any mood for my 4 month photo shoot!!!!  But she is much better now and was in a good mood tonight!!  She is such a little doll and so happy these days!!!!  Think we are finally past the colic although as I am writing this she is sleeping in her swing with my blow dryer still on!!!  She is still not big on the car rides still but doesn't seem to scream every time now just every other time we get in the car :-) We go see Dr. Anton Wednesday for her 4 month appointment so we will see how much she has grown!!  And hopefully will start solid foods soon!!!!  Addison is sleeping between 4-6 hour stretches at night which is way more than Jackson ever did at this age so I will take it!!!  So I took a few pictures with Jackson and Addison tonight however I have to add that Daddy and Jackson were playing tonight and Jackson knocked his mouth on the headboard so he has a fat lip in the pictures!!  Never a dull moment!!  Although I was told a sweet quote the other day that I will share and I need to keep reminding myself of when I have those crazy days with these two such as yesterday when Jackson made a point to say "Mom why do you have crazy hair tonight?? I calmly replied its been one of those days buddy!!!  Which in retrospect I should have said well you didn't listen all day and Addison has not let me put her down all day so I haven't had a chance to get anything done or to look in the mirror so mommy is a little frazzled but I held back!!!  Anyway the quote is.....That the days are long but the years are short!!!!  Which is so true!!!  So I decided I needed to try harder to enjoy and embrace every moment whether it be a difficult moment or a fantastic one!!!! Enjoy the sweet photos I cant believe Addison is 4 months old!!!!!!!

Addison loves Sophie the giraffe!!! 

So happy!!!

Love the smocked outfits!!!

Hanging out with Mimi!!!

Mimi and Addison!!!

Pretty in blue!!
Loving her teether!!!

Playing together with the peek a boo bear Mimi and Pop got for Addison!!!! So Sweet!! 
Tummy time!! 
Doing so good pushing herself up and rolling over!!!!

Cute little chunky monkey!!!

4 months old!!!

Still little in that chair!!!

Looks like she is over my photo shoot giving me the finger!!

Sweet girl!!!

Pretty blue eyes!!!

Cutie pies!!!

So cute I couldn't stop taking pictures!!!

Giving me the peace sign now!!!
Trying to give me a little smile!!!!

Are we still taking pictures mom??!!

Sitting in Jackson's old bumbo!!!

Notice the #4 sticker is running with all the drool!!! Yep we are teething!!!

You can really see Jackson's fat lip here!!  Poor kid!!

Looking like a big girl!!!

So cute!!!

My two little love bugs!!!