Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Bowling Day!!!

Since it was a rainy day Sunday (well somewhat) due to Tropical Storm Isaac we decided to take Jackson on his 1st ever bowling adventure to get us out of the house and get some of Jackson's energy out!! Jackson had a blast as we all did!!  We played two games and Jackson did so well even better than I did which isn't hard to do I know!!  Ryan was the winner both games (no surprise there) and bowled an awesome game getting lots of strikes which Jackson (and I) thought was pretty cool!!!  Jackson kept wanting it to be his turn again and again so since my back has been hurting I was happy when Jackson wanted to bowl my turn!!!  It was a fun filled family activity that we will definitely be doing again soon!!!  

After bowling we headed to lunch at the mall and did a little shopping and were surprised to see all the Halloween stuff already out which got Jackson SO excited for Halloween!!! In fact he already wore the new Halloween pajamas we bought him to bed last night and he has been wearing his new Halloween shirt non stop since yesterday!!  Although the only reason he was allowed to wear it again today was because school was cancelled due to the storm but Oh boy I have a feeling there will be a fight every morning before school over wearing that shirt!!!  So when we got home from the mall I was motivated and got all the summer stuff put away and fall is now out!!!!  I know its early but I have to do things when I am motivated and have energy these days!!  We can't wait for fall and the beautiful weather it brings!!!  Not to mention football season is upon us!! GO GATORS!!!

So excited to bowl!

Check out the bowing shoes!

Daddy helping Jackson get the hang of it!

One technique drop the ball and see where it goes!

Looking good!

Rolling it down the lane!

Jackson saying I want to do it myself stay back!

Our 1st Game scores Jackson and I tied!

Still going!

Jackson and Daddy posing for a picture between bowls!

So much fun!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Jackson's 1st Day of Pre-K!!!

Today was Jackson's 1st Day of Pre-K and boy was he excited!!!  Of course all summer he woke up between 7-7:30am but on the 1st day of school he decided to sleep in and I had to wake him up at 8:15am.  We then started to run slightly late since he still had to eat breakfast, get dressed and I had to take lots of pictures of course!! So we actually made it to school at 9:23am which was 2 minutes from being late but hey at least we weren't late and I feel they should be lenient on the 1st day right!?!  Anyway Jackson was happy to go to school although on the way he asked if Brynna was in his class again so then I had to break the news to him she wasn't this year and he started to cry.  Although he told me when I picked him up after school he saw Brynna in the hallway and he was very happy!!!  I have no doubt Jackson will have a new girlfriend or two by the end of the week if not sooner!!!  Miss Lisa, his new teacher said Jackson had a great first day and he was a great listener today!!!  So here's hoping for a great second day too!!!!!  Enjoy the many pictures I took!!!!

The chocolate covered oreos that are suppose to look like apples that I made for Jackson's teachers and administrators!
The link on how to make apple oreos:
And of course I had to put one in Jackson's lunch as a surprise!!! And Miss Lisa said he loved it!!!

And another little treat in his lunch!!
1st Day of Pre-K!!

Such a cute little boy!

Jackson and Daddy!

Jackson and I!

Of course we had to have our annual 1st day of school picture with Haley!

Just a few more pictures!

Am I done yet mom!?!

I love this one!!!

And we are off to school!!!!

Jackson and Otie after school!!

After school got out!!  He looks exhausted!!  

Happy 1st day of School Jackson!!!!! We love you and are SO excited for all that is to come this school year!!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

End of Summer Trip to Blizzard Beach!!!

For one last summer send off before school starts Monday we decided to go with the Gryglewicz family to Blizzard Beach this past Saturday!!  I know Jackson and Gracie had a blast however I think us parents had just as much fun!! We went on most of all the slides and Jackson's favorite by far was the Teamboat springs which was a family tube ride!!!  It was a blast with our family and the Gryglewicz family both on board and Jackson and Gracie giggled the whole time and kept wanting to do it again and again!!!  And I even went on the fun family ride even though it said expectant mothers should not ride this ride..oops sorry little Addison I didn't read that sign until the second time we went down but it was a pretty tame one anyway which I figured it would be with children allowed!!!!! Then there came the Tobagan Races  where Jackson and Ryan raced first then Nate, Shea and Gracie and they both ended the same with Jackson and Gracie crying because they both came in last!  Only because they weighed so much less than everybody else but that didn't seem to matter to them! But it was a great day with great friends and one we will have to do again since it was a fun family affair!!  And it was a great way to send off summer even though as I am writing this on Sunday night I am sad the summer is coming to an end since it was such a fantastic one!!!

The first ride on the slide!! 
Hands up having a blast!!


Loving it!!

A quick stop for a picture!!!
Big kid slides!!

Heading down the slide!!

So much fun!!

Gracie coming down!!

One more time!!

Walking across the ice bergs!!

Quite the climber!

Coming down the slide all by himself!

The tobagan races!! Ready! Set! Go!

Ryan's winning!!

Having fun before the crying started!!

Uncle Nate and Gracie before the double tube ride!!
Waiting for Daddy, Aunt Shea and Uncle Nate as they were brave enough to ride the super plunge slide!!!! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sugar and Spice, and all that's nice; and that is what little girls are made of!!!! IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Ryan, Jackson and I are beyond thrilled to announce that it's official.............We are having A GIRL!!!!!! I had an ultrasound Monday at my office and my ultrasound tech was pretty sure it was a girl and then at my OB appointment yesterday they did an ultrasound and confirmed it!!!  I am SO excited about all the pink and bows coming my way!!!  Ryan still can't believe its true he came with me to my appointment for confirmation and was smiling from ear to ear the whole time and Jackson well he is already picking out Christmas gifts for "our girl" he calls her!!!!  So sweet!!!!  And we also decided on a name Addison Grace Lossius! Ryan and I love the name Addison and Grace was my Nana's (my moms mom) middle name!!!  We absolutely love it and can't wait for little Addison to arrive in January!!!  

Told you lots of pink and bows!!!

Between the legs shot confirming its a girl!!

Profile picture!

The beautiful pink flowers Eucaris gave us to celebrate its a girl!!  So sweet of her!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Orientation Day!!!!!!!

Today was student orientation day at Jackson's school and I just can't believe school is already starting and how fast the summer has flown by!!!!  Jackson was so excited to go to school today he came running in our room at 6:45 this morning dressed and ready to go!!!  Of course then I had to break it to him he wasn't staying at school all day!!  But don't worry Jackson Monday will come soon enough!!!  Jackson was so excited to see his friends from last year and we found out that 2 of his buddies will be in his same class again (although I still haven't broken the news that Brynna won't be in his class)!!  And we met Jackson's new teacher Miss Lisa and I think she is going to be great!!!!  She seems so sweet and loving but also is going to teach him a lot!!!  And I was also thrilled to find out that Jackson's associate teacher this year is Miss Adriana and we love her!!!  She had helped out when Jackson was in the 2 year old class which seems like it was just yesterday!!!!  Anyway it looks like its going to be a fun filled year for Jackson in the 4 year old class and Jackson seems super excited to be starting school again!!!!  It will definitely be a change for both of us though since it's the first year Jackson will go 5 days a week and I know I will miss my little buddy tremendously on Wednesdays and Fridays :-(  And I even promised the teacher we would try our best to be on time this year since he now starts at 9:15am...we will see how that one goes!  So Back to School on Monday so the countdown is on and we are enjoying the last 4 days of summer!!!!!!

Jackson at Rainbow Garden for Orientation!!! So excited!!

Miss Lisa giving Jackson a treat for doing an excellent job on the scavenger hunt!!

Our countdown until the 1st Day of school!!!!