Sunday, August 25, 2013

Addison is 7 months!!!!!

Well technically Addison is 7 months and 15 days however I did take the pictures closer to her 7 month birthday but with all the craziness of school starting I am just getting around to posting the pictures!!! And it's getting harder and harder to get them both to cooperate during photo shoots!!! But I think we got some cute ones at 7 months!!!! Addison is still my little doll baby who loves to be held and just goes with the flow for the most part! She is still rolling like crazy and and scoots along when she really wants to get something but she is not crawling yet (which I am ok with right now!) She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and is also in that phase where she drops everything off her highchair and then looks to see where it went it is so super cute the first time then the ten times after Jackson and I are tired of picking everything up off the floor!!! Addison also loves apples and sweet potatoes and even likes me to put them together to eat!!! She is still sleeping thru the night and is such a happy baby in the morning! Even when I have to wake her up to take Jackson to school! Before school started it was normal behavior for Addison and I to sleep until 8/8:30! Those days are long gone! Addison just loves her big brother!!! She loves to watch him since he is always pure entertainment for all of us and she loves when he plays with her!!!! Although Addison nor I are fond of Jackson waking her up which happens all too often!!! :-) Enjoy the pictures of our sweet happy little girl at 7 months!!!!!!

Sweet picture of our two little loves!!

Pretty in Pink!!

I LOVE this one of her looking at her tutu! So Sweet!

About to fall over!

Oops she fell over!

Sweet baby!! 
Laughing at her brother!!

In her chair!! Getting bigger!!

About to crawl off the chair photo session over!?!

Love this one too!!! Little angel!!
Told you she puts everything in her mouth!!!
Another precious one of her watching her brother!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I have been hearing about this car line thing for a couple years now but I never truly understood until now!!! Holy cow is it a serious process!!!! I told you the first day I got in line at 1:30pm for a 2:15 pick up and I was 15th in line and when we left there were probably 200 cars waiting behind us even blocking the entrance to our neighborhood and out to the main road!!! Crazy!!!  And I have to report that the days since then have been just as crazy!!! The first day my friend Layne warned me to watch Jackson's face as they brought him out to my car and she was right! It was priceless like a deer in the headlights! He looked so little and confused and not sure what the heck was going on!! I should have taken a picture but I was just as confused and overwhelmed that I was only focused on finding Jackson, getting him in my car and going home but it is definitely a face that I will always remember! He got in my car and said did you see that "life saver" bring me to the car she was nice! Jackson was referring to the safety patrol! LOL! But there is a part of me that thinks he came up with that name because he truly thought she was a "life saver" amongst all this confusion!!!! We went from picking him up at his classroom of 10 kids everyday at Rainbow Garden to this huge school of 900 plus! So today as Addison and I (side note: Addison has been awesome in car line just sleeping away thank goodness) were again waiting in carline I was 10th in line and I got here at 1:18pm and I spent my time blogging, working, texting with Layne in her car line too and hoping to get a quick picture of little Jackson being escorted by the sweet "life savers" :-) welcome to car line!!!

Being escorted by the "lifesaver!"

Jackson was telling the lifesaver that I was right there!!!!

Walking to my car!!!

And today was also a great day as Addison and I were able to go have lunch with Jackson!!  We ate in the cafeteria with his class and I was able to meet and get to know some of his classmates too!!  It was super loud and crazy in the cafeteria it definitely brought me back to being in the school cafeteria myself (which I was never really fond of!)!!  Jackson was so thrilled we came to lunch and introduced us to everyone and asked if we could come every Friday!!  It was great spending time with my little guy I have missed him these last few days!!!  And I know one day he will be too cool to want me to come eat lunch with him so I have to embrace the opportunity while I can!!!  And another side note I know its only the first week of school (which has seemed like the longest week ever!!!) but we haven't been late once!!  Although its bound to happen at some point since we keep leaving later and later every morning!!!  Enjoy the pictures from our lunch!!

Enjoying his lunch!!

They made gingerbread hats today and went on a gingerbread hunt!!

Some of Jackson's class!!

Jackson's manikin its suppose to resemble them it was his first homework of the year!!!  He wanted fish on his shirt and shorts because he loves to fish with Pops!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jackson's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

So of course the one day everyone needs to be up early Addison slept until 7am which she never sleeps past 5:45am and I had to wake Jackson up at 6:30am to which he replied Mom I am too tired to go to school and he then pulled the covers over his head and went back to sleep! So I eventually got him up so he could have breakfast and get everything ready and of course so we could have time for my famous 1st day of school photo shoot!!! Ryan said it was as if we were taking our wedding pictures again there were so many! LOL! The first day of kindergarten only happens once right! By then Jackson was ready and excited to go to school!!!!! So we headed off to Jacksons 1st day of kindergarten where we ran into some friends which was so nice and we all walked in together! We got Jackson settled in his class, told him we loved him and to have a great day and then we left our big (little still to me) kindergartener to start the 2013-2014 school year! I of course cried as we left and Ryan said why are you crying we have done this for 4 years now but it's just not the same in this BIG new school! 

So I couldn't wait to pick Jackson up at 2:15 so I got in carline at 1:30 and there were already about 15 cars!!!! Guess I will be spending lots of time waiting in carline for the next year especially since Jackson said "Mom can you always be early and right there to pick me up" I replied I will absolutely do my best!!!!!!! So Jackson got in the car and said he had a great day! He said his teacher was nice and he made a few new friends!!  Then I asked him if he liked his school and if he wanted to go back tomorrow he said "I want it to be like a pattern I go to school one day then don't go to school the next and so on".....sorry buddy it doesn't work like that!!  And just like that we are in full swing for the 2013-2014 school year and Another major milestone in the books!!! Can we freeze time and have them stay little forever!?? Wishful thinking!!! Here's hoping for a great kindergarten year!!!  Enjoy the tons of pictures I took!!!

Ready to go!!

Sweet Boy!

So excited!!!

Picture with his little sister who does not look impressed!


Think she is upset her big brother is going to school in this picture!?! Maybe but Im going to say Probably not!

My favorite kindergartener!!!!

Daddy and his kids!!

Now with mom!!

Can we go yet???

One more picture on the bench!!!

Saw this cute idea on pinterest to write "Stop crying mom" before kindergarten and again before going off to college!!  I definitely needed a reminder today!!

I put these in Jackson's lunch!

His note on the first day!!!

Apple oreo cookie I made for the teacher!!

Jackson and his buddy Caroline heading into school!

Jackson and Caroline walking to class!!!

So sweet together!!

Another picture mom!?

In his class getting his crayons!!

At his desk ready let the 1st day begin!!!  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Twas the Night before Kindergarten!!!

Today was the last day of summer vacation and as if that isn't sad enough tomorrow we are sending Jackson off to Kindergarten!!!  I just can't believe he is big enough for Kindergarten already where have the past 5 years gone!!!!  We had a great day swimming in the pool and getting ready to "Meet the Teacher" this afternoon!!!  Jackson walked right into that classroom like he owned the place and like he had been going there for years!!!  We met Jackson's new teacher and she seems very nice and Jackson seems to like her SO FAR that is!!!  He asked multiple times where the toys were and she replied this isn't preschool anymore there aren't anymore toys its time to learn!  So by the third time he asked where the toys were his teacher said to me I don't think he wants to believe there really aren't any toys here!!!  He then stood at the door and was the class greeter and met some of his new classmates!!  It will be an adventure for all of us that's for sure especially since I couldn't get out of the parking lot without tears in my eyes!!  Then to top it off Jackson said Mom I am going to miss you tomorrow and I replied I will miss you too!!!  He then said don't worry mom I will be fine you can come have lunch with me or snack or read my class a story anytime!!!  Melt my heart!!!!  Summer went fast and boy we will miss our lazy summer days!!!!!  As Jackson said it was a great summer!!!  And I know there will be years where I will be excited for him to go back to school but this year sure isn't one of them!!!  Well tomorrow will be an early morning for sure school begins at 8am and if you recall last year we didn't make it to Rainbow Garden one day before starting time at 9:15!!!  Yikes!!   Well Jackson's uniform is layed out, lunch is packed, forms are filled out, teacher gift is made its go time ready or not here we come!!!!  Wish us luck we will all need it!!!!
Last day of summer fun!!!

Fun in the pool together!!!

Addison loves to chew on the spiderman dive toy!!

Jackson in the courtyard of his new school!!! Such a handsome boy!!!

Ready for bed before his BIG day in his skylander pajamas and new skylander toy!!!

Kindergarten Here We Come!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bubble Girl!!

Addison has just discovered how to blow bubbles aka "spitting" and she is so excited about her new found talent that she does it all the time!!!!  She is thinks it is funny when she does it and is super cute as always!!! She even did it to Jackson the other day and he said "Mom Addison is spitting at me thats not nice right Mom!! Why is she allowed to spit and I get in trouble for spitting!!" Oh the sibling rivalry has already begun!!!  Here is a cute little video of Addison blowing bubbles!!!

Saturday Morning Hugs!!!

Jackson asked if he could hold Addison yesterday morning (which he never asks to do) so of course I said yes and handed her over to her big brother on the couch!!  They were so cute just hanging out together and they actually sat there together for quite awhile!!!  But then Addison started pulling Jackson's hair and Jackson said ok you can take her now :-)  It was adorable while it lasted so of course I had to take a couple pictures!!!  Enjoy!!  Happy Sunday!!!!

So cute together!!

Just hanging out on a Saturday morning!! 

Sweet kisses to Addison!!


Friday, August 16, 2013

Tornado Warning!!!!

We had a scary storm come thru Tampa last Friday! I first found out from my friend Layne who called to tell me her husband Mike had gotten a message about a tornado warning in our area via text and then about 2 minutes later I received the same text telling us to take shelter!!  That was it for me!! I grabbed Jackson and Addison and we headed off to my closet to hide!!!  And I would have grabbed Haley but she was already hiding in there!!!  It was a horrible storm that brought crazy high winds, a ton of rain and severe lightening and thunder!!  And poor Ryan was driving home during it and it was so bad he had to pull over!!!  We stayed in the closet until it was over which was about 20 minutes and when we came out our street was completely flooded!!!  But we were thankful Ryan made it home safely and there wasn't much damage done!!!  Jackson is still talking about that scary storm as I am sure he will be for awhile!!  Here's hoping we don't have another one like that again!!!! And here's a picture from our closet party in which Jackson was holding Addison tight so the tornado didn't take her or so he says and all Addison was concerned with was trying to eat my shoes!!! Oh the memories!!!

Hiding in the closet Jackson protecting Addison and Addison looking very frightened by that!!

The flooding on our street after the storm!