Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Mailing our letters to Santa!

It has been a busy December so I apologize for my delayed blogging! So to catch up before Christmas we went to Santa's mailbox in Oldsmar town center for Addison and Jackson to both mail their letters to Santa!!  It was truly the cutest thing!!!  Jackson wrote out Addison's Christmas list then wrote out his own and they were both just so excited to mail their letters to Santa!!  It has become a sweet and adorable tradition every year!!  Then we wait for the letters back from Santa!!  They came quick this year and boy were they excited when they came and it seems they were both on the nice list this year!!!  Love these two little munchkins!!!   Enjoy the pictures from our trip to Santa's Mailbox!!!

Jackson's letter!

Mailing his letter!

Addison mailing hers!

Cutie Pies!!

Jackson was the only one to stay still for my picture in front of the tree!

Finally got one of the both of them!

Addison was thrilled with another picture as you can tell!

Love these two!!

The three of us!

Addisons letter from Santa!

Jackson's letter from Santa!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Naples 2014!

Ryan and I headed down to Naples last weekend for a weekend getaway and to go to the Franklin Templeton Shark Shootout!!  We had an absolute blast!! It was so nice to get away during this hectic time of year and just relax! We enjoyed staying at the fabulous Ritz Carlton which was so beautifully decorated for Christmas!!   Saturday we spent the day walking around the tournament with Lauren and seeing Rob from time to time!!  Rob is the tournament director for the FT shootout and he did a fantastic job and even allowed us to hang out in the Shark Club to watch the tournament, thanks Rob!!  We ate breakfast in the Shark club while enjoying the lovely view and then stayed so long we enjoyed lunch and some snacks too and ended up watching the whole tournament in our great seats just having a great time!  It was such a lovely weekend and we so enjoyed spending time with Lauren and Rob!!  Sunday we headed home to see our kiddos who we missed so much!!  And a huge thank you to Mimi and Pop for watching Jackson and Addison all weekend so we could enjoy a weekend away!!!!Thank you thank you!!  Enjoy the pictures of our great weekend!!  Can't wait until next year!!

Shark Club view!

Gingerbread House at the Ritz! So cute!

Having lunch!

The 4 of us!!!

Just enjoying the tournament!

18th hole! 


Sister Love!

Sweet kiddos when we got home!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Gingerbread House 2014!

We made our annual gingerbread house on Saturday!!  We had so much fun!!  Jackson decided this year he wanted to do it his way not like the package!!!  It took a lot for me to hand over the reigns and not have the perfect gingerbread house as it looks like on the box but he had fun and it looks awesome!!  The best part for Jackson was eating the icing and Addison liked to eat the candy as Jackson put it on!! It turned out so cute and Jackson is so so proud of his creation!!  Merry Christmas!!! 15 days!!!!
Jackson getting started!

Icing in hand!

Addison trying to "help'

Addison stealing the candy!

Enjoying the candy while we make it!

Looking great Jackson!

Coming together!

Jackson in his gingerbread house!

Eyeing the candy!

Jackson's finished house! Great job Jackson!

Love this one!!!!  #sugarrush

Monday, December 8, 2014

Visiting Santa!

Monday after school we went to the international mall as it has become our annual tradition to see Santa there! We just love Santa there and this year it was a Frozen theme which of course was a huge hit with Jackson and Addison!  Everything was good they played in the fake snow and watched frozen and thank goodness we hit it at the right time there was no line and then Miss Addison spotted Santa and it was all over after that!!!! To say Addison was NOT impressed is an understatement! I tried to put there on his lap and she screamed the whole time!! Then the people suggested we just stand and have her watch other kids on his lap which kind of worked since we finally convinced her to stand next to Jackson and not be near Santa for the picture!! Jackson on the other hand had a list to tell Santa that was a mile long he loved every minute and was so excited to tell him all the gifts he wanted!!  Enjoy the picture with Santa I am pretty sure this was take #10!  The countdown is on 17 days until Christmas!!

Pictures in front of our tree that wasn't decorated yet before we went to see Santa!

Love this one!!


Handsome boy!

Measuring how tall he is at Santas!

2014 Santa Picture!!  Addison is as far away as possible!

In awe of the tree!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thanksgiving Week!!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving week we had in Jupiter!  Jackson headed over first to spend some alone time with Mimi and Pop!!  He loved it and of course went in the boat with Pop and went fishing and had a blast being an only child!  Addison had fun having mom and dad to herself we decorated the house for Christmas which she loved! Of course we saved the tree for when Jackson gets home!  Here are a few pics from when Jackson was fishing while with Mimi and Pop!
Jackson with a Jack that he caught entirely by himself!!

Huge Puffer Great job Jackson!

Then Tuesday night Ryan, Addison and I headed over for Thanksgiving!  Wednesday was a fun day cooking in the kitchen with Uncle Bob and Mom!!  Uncle Bob and I challenged Aunt Julie to an Apple Pie contest since they were in Tallahassee and I still think we won for best Apple Pie with cinnamon bun crust!!  But we had to give Aunt Julie credit since it was her delicious recipe!!  We had a blast!!  Then we headed to Aunt Holly and Uncle Tom's for annual pizza night! Thank you for having us!! Then Thursday brought a lovely Thanksgiving Day!  The weather was gorgeous and the company was even better!  We had a smaller crowd then normal and what a wonderful time we had but we definitely missed not having the Kincaids and the rest of Bowmans with us for the Thanksgiving feast!  Dad, Ryan and Rob cooked up some delicious turkeys and Aunt Lauren was amazing at watching the kiddos so I could help in the kitchen and take some pictures!!  Thanks Aunt Lauren!!  Everything was delicious Jackson liked the honey baked ham not a fan of turkey shocker there!!  And Addison pretty much tried it all and loved it until she fell asleep in her  highchair!!  Hilarious she was one tired girl!! We truly feel so blessed and we have so so much to be thankful for! Miss you already Aunt Beth, Erin, Max, Shalin, Uncle Bob and Jack!!  Can't wait for next year!!  Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy the tons of pictures I took I tend to do that at fun events like this!!!

Love this picture!!!


Only pic I could get of these two!

Eating a turkey cupcake Aunt Lauren bought him! Thanks Aunt Lauren!

The boys Frying the turkeys!!

Mom and Uncle Bob cooking away!!

Lauren, Aunt Beth and Max!!


Addison is wondering why her brother is being crazy!

So sweet!
Addison hanging out with her buddy Erin! Thank you Erin!!

Erin, Tammy and Stephen!

So cute of the newlyweds!

Erin and Max!

The 3 siblings this year!

Uncle Bob and Jack!!

Addison and Uncle Rob bonding!
Thinking about a kiss!
She decided to give it to Aunt Lauren!
Sweet Girl!
Kisses for Mommy!
Love these two to pieces!

Mimi and Addison so cute!


Jackson did not want to be in another picture!
Great picture of Mimi and Pop!

Ready to carve!!

Carving the turkeys!

The crew 2014!

Love this!

Such a sweet picture with Aunt Lauren!

Great picture!

Walking down the dock!

Handsome boy!

Tried to get a family pic with Haley too!

Apparently Uncle Rob had a private photo shoot with Jackson on Pops boat!

Being silly!

And silly!

But oh so cute he is!

King of the world!!!

We had to capture Addison and Uncle Rob since this is the first time she has given him the time of day!

She loving Uncle Rob now!!

So cute!

Our Pie!

Too cute Addison and Pop reading fish books together!
Mimi is putting on lipstick for Addison and this was after her pedicure! Can you say Girly girl!!