Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last Day of School....

Today was Jackson's last day of school in the 2 year old class!!  I cannot believe how fast this year went by!!  It seems like just yesterday I was dropping him off for his first day and we both had tears streaming down! Now 10 months later Jackson has finished the 2 year old class and is actually sad to end for the summer!!  His final progress report was in his backpack today and he has fantastic scores and his teacher, Miss Lisa raved about what a joy Jackson has been, how much he loves coming to school and how so very proud she is of his many accomplishments this year!!  So naturally Ryan and I are very proud parents!!  

So Jackson's class as a whole chipped in for the big end of the year gift for the teachers but in addition to that my sweet friend Layne had told me about this great website.... so Jackson and I baked brownies and stapled these adorable Printables that say "Thanks You're Sweet" to the ziploc bag of brownies as little thank yous for the teachers and office staff!!!! And I have to say thanks to Layne because they were a huge hit!!!  Here is the link to this adorable website for you all to enjoy!!!  Its Easy...Just download it and print!

So here are a few pictures of our little graduate from the two year old class to the three year old  class on the last day of school!!

The Brownies and Printables!

The end of year party was a beach theme so Jackson wore his bathing suit!

Ready to go....

Mom lets go no more pictures!

Last one!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jackson's First Bicycle

For Jackson's 3rd Birthday (which I know was 2 months ago :-)) Gigi and Grandpa wanted to get Jackson a bike but we couldn't find the one Jackson wanted in his size so after 2 months of searching we found the cars bicycle he wanted!  Jackson absolutely loves it and has been riding it everyday thank you Gigi and Grandpa! He wasn't so thrilled about wearing the helmet at first but when he realized he couldn't even sit on the bike without the helmet he caught on pretty quickly! We were such proud parents as he started pedaling right away on his own and realized this is just one of many milestones to come.... Here are some pictures of Jackson's new adventures on his bike!

Daddy putting together the bike with his broken wrist

Jackson trying to help!

Father and Son Working together!

Jackson monitoring the progress!

The last part Jackson trying to help do the honors!

And he is off!!! And I'm impressed Ryan did such a good job only having one good arm!!

Pedaling away!

Trying to turn!

Right thru the puddle that's Jackson

Oops we forgot the bell the most important part! Now we are in business!

Wedding Extravaganza

I know you all love to see pictures of sweet Jackson but I had to do a post of Ryan and I as we had a wonderful childless weekend as we celebrated two different sets of friends getting married all in the same weekend.  Well the week started off with a bang when Ryan broke his wrist playing softball Wednesday night and has to have a cast for 6 weeks.  Then someone did a hit and run on our Tahoe at some point during the week so that will be fun to deal with.  So you can imagine how ready we were to just relax and get away! We had the first wedding Friday night for the Khonsari's in Clearwater Beach then we headed down to Marco island for the next wedding Saturday night for the Phillips' with all of our friends from college!! And boy did we have a great time although we had too good of a time in Marco Island apparently that I forgot to use my camera which in hindsight was probably a good thing! Anyway we had a such a great weekend spending time together but we were super excited to see our little Jackson on Sunday!! Here are a few pictures from the wedding in Clearwater!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter was a such wonderful day!! It started off by a visit from the Easter Bunny then we went to church which was lovely! Then Jackson had another Easter Egg hunt at Mimi and Pops house which he found a lot more eggs and enjoyed eating more candy!!! And we all got to play in the pool all day long!  It was a beautiful day and definitely one to be thankful for all the many blessings we have.

Going through one of his Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left!

Jackson loves Lollipops can you tell!?!

Playdoh Eggs!! Awesome!!

What is it??

Wow a stomp rocket!!
Family Picture
Easter Egg Hunt at Mimi and Pops House! I see some eggs!!!

Finding his first Easter Egg at this hunt anyway!

Mimi and Jackson on the Hunt!!
Little taste test of what's in the egg!
Can I have that candy already Pop??

Hanging out eating his lollipop after the hunt!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Week Fun!

Ryan had a class he had to take in West Palm Beach for work which just happened to be the same week as Easter, so we packed up and all went for a few days of fun in the sun at Mimi and Pops house!!!  Jackson had a blast swimming in the pool, boating, Easter Egg Hunting and spending time with Aunt Lauren, Uncle Rob and Mimi and Pops as we all did!!! Here a few fun pictures from our time there!!

Good Action shot! 
Tubing in the pool!!
What a big boy he can now stand in the hot tub!

And Jackson is quite the swimmer now!

All bundled up even though it was April it was still a little chilly when you get out of the water!

Jackson and Aunt Lauren walking the dock!

Mommy got to come too!

Something was funny but can't remember what!?!

Jackson and Uncle Rob hiding from Aunt Lauren!

Found you!!

What a cute face!!

Is Aunt Lauren coming to find me!?!

Coming out of hiding!!

She found Jackson!!

Cute picture!

Being silly!!

Family Picture!

Playing with Pops!!