Sunday, September 28, 2014

Flag Football!

Well I was waiting to post more pictures of Jackson playing flag football but due to all this rain we are having he has only played one game and that was while I was in Atlanta. So I only have a few pictures to post that my sweet friend Layne and my wonderful husband sent me while I was away!!  Thank you both!! When we resume games I will be posting more don't worry! Jackson seems to really like flag football so far in the one game he played!!  And Ryan said he did great at pulling the opponents flags!!  Can't wait for more games!!  Rain Rain go away!!! Enjoy the pictures of our little football player!!  He's even wearing his Daddy's #18!!

Jackson and his buddy Brody!

Jackson giving the thumbs up just loving it!

Action shot!!
GO Jackson we are so proud of you!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Girls Weekend!

Last weekend I went to Atlanta for the Rodan and Fields convention/girls weekend!!  We had an absolute blast! It was action packed with lots of great training, delicious dinners and super fun happy hours!!!  And the big reveal of our new product was SUPER exciting to be a part of!!!  The doctors launched their Acute Care patches which "Fill a wrinkle, while you needle required!!  AMAZING!!  It was a fabulous weekend but I definitely missed my sweet kiddos and husband!  Thank you to Ryan, Mimi and Pop for holding down the fort while I was gone!!  They had a lot to handle with school, homework, spelling tests, gator game and Jackson's 1st Flag Football game!!  It was an action packed weekend for all!!!  And I definitely came home to lots of hugs and kisses!!! Enjoy the pictures from my fun filled work/girls weekend!!

Good times with Kim and Carolyn! 
Our team!!

Waiting for the big product reveal with Kim, Carolyn and Dana! 

Holding Dana's sweet Baby girl Lizzie!

Heading to training!!
Bus Ride!

Love these doctors! Ali wanted to take them home!

Heading out for cocktails!

Our team at product reveal!

Another team pic!

My awesome mentors!

Dana and I!!

My new Kate Spade bag I won!
Ali and I at the awards! So lucky to have such a sweet friend!

Hanging out at the gala with the Chief Customer Officer at R+F!!
Glued to our phones during the Gator Game! Yay! They WON!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Labor day weekend!

We headed to Jupiter for a fun filled Labor Day weekend with Mimi and Pop!! It was relaxing and we did all the fun things we wanted to do!!  We went in the boat to sand mountain and had so much fun!! We swam in the pool a lot and Jackson and Daddy got to fish!  And according to Jackson the best part was when he went surfing with Pop!!  He was so excited he said he rode the wave all the way into the beach!  He LOVED it!!!  Get ready for more surfing trips Pop!!!  Such a wonderful weekend thank you Mimi and Pop!!! We are still sad to see summer go but we are gearing up for Fall!!  And a busy and fun fall it will be!!! Enjoy the pictures!!  I didn't take as many as I would have like to or usually do but their are a few cute ones!!! XOXO

First fish of the trip!

Quite the little fisherman!
Such a good big brother!

Watching the Croods!

The boys on the boat!

Hanging out with Mimi and Pop!

Playing on the beach!

Hanging out with Daddy!

Addison hanging with her daddy and Pop!

Addison playing on the beach!

Got the shades on!

Game of football!

Nice pass!

So Cute!


Look at the beautiful water and sky!

Gorgeous lighthouse!


Jackson jumping in!

Addison giving him a little push!

Swimming with Daddy!

Looking at all the sights in the river!

Snorkeling with Pop!

Checking out a huge boat that ran aground! 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

After Homework Fun!

We are slowly adjusting back into the school routine!! Everything seems to be running smoothly we are getting to school well before the bell  shocking I know!!  Although I will bet it won't be long before the first tardy but at least I am trying to get there early!!  However they wasted no time starting homework!!  Holy cow the amount of homework this year has been a whole lot more than kindergarten that's for sure!!  There are about 3 pages of math like real problem solving math, reading comprehension with questions, sentence writing and 15 spelling words Jackson has to learn for a test every Friday!  Jackson has been great so far getting his homework done and he even got an A+ on his first spelling test!!!  Yay we are so proud of you Jackson!!!  But the only big homework issue so far is Addison! It is next to impossible to entertain a 19 month old while helping a 6 year old with the crazy amount of homework that has to be done!!  Somehow we will have to find a way but I will tell you it isn't easy!!  So after homework every night we have to take a break and get out and play outside! Last week we jumped rope and played tag and went for a bike ride and played with bubbles and chalk!!!! Anything to get some energy out and get away from all that homework for a little while!!  Enjoy the pictures of our after homework fun!!!

Thank you Layne for the idea we are all organized now!!!

Yay for the +10 on Jackson's 1st spelling test!!!  So proud of you!!!

Addison trying on some fall clothes!!

Oh so sweet!

Riding Jackson's bike!

Jumping rope!

Jackson's so good at it!

Dumping out the chalk!

Drawing on the driveway with chalk!

Practicing his spelling words!

Not excited for another picture!

Addison trying my shoes on!

Stomp rocket time!!