Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tot Trot and Trophys!

We had a busy last Saturday!!  Addison and I went to the 2nd Annual Tot Trot for High Risk Hope to raise money to support High Risk OB patients and NICU babies!!  Such a wonderful organization and I love to volunteer for them!  This is very close to my heart too since I was considered high risk with both my kiddos due to my high blood pressure I was just fortunate and did not have to be put on hospital bed rest thank goodness!  Addison and I had fun walking with friends on this chilly but beautiful morning! Then Addison met Anna and Elsa from Frozen and loved them!!  Then we met ThunderBug with the Tampa Bay Lightening and she was not a big fan of him!!  It was a fun girls morning!!  

Elsa, Anna, Thunderbug and Addison!

Walking with daddy showing off her Tot Trot medal when we got home!

And while we were at the tot trot the boys were at Jackson's last football game of the season!! The playoffs!! Sadly enough Jackson's team didn't win but they all got Trophy's which Jackson thought was AWESOME!!  So proud of our little guy he had a GREAT season and we are so proud of him!!!  We have a break for a few weeks then we start Winter Season!  Looking forward to it!! Enjoy!!

The Team with their medals!

So proud of his medal!!!
The gift one of the moms gave Ryan for being a coach!!  So cute and so sweet!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our little Ballerina!!!

Addison took her very first dance class last Wednesday!!  And I can honestly say I have been looking forward to this day since I found out I was pregnant with this sweet little girl!!  I loved every single minute of watching her dance!!  And the best part was she loved it too!!  She was so excited to wear her tutu and dance!! She is the youngest in the studio because normally they don't let them start until 2 but they allowed Addison to start now since they felt like she was ready!  And boy was she!!  She listened to the instructor and did everything she told her to do from jazz hands to splits to stretching to freeze dance!!!  Addison was all about it which was just too cute!!  And they actually let the 2 year olds dance in the recital in May!!  The theme is "Now thats the 90's"!!!!  I am so excited I can't wait!!  Enjoy the pictures of our tiny dancer!!! Looking forward to the next class!

All dolled up ready to go!!

checking out her form in the mirror lol

Practicing her splits!

Balance Beam with Mommy!

Walking it like she's done it a million times!

Hula hoop time!!

Our pretty little ballerina!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Florida Aquarium!

Last Tuesday Jackson was off school for Veterans Day so we decided to head to the Aquarium for some fun with friends!!  Jackson was pumped he loves the aquarium and Addison was excited for her first trip to the aquarium!  Difference between 1st and 2nd children....with Jackson we had yearly passes to the aquarium when he was 6 weeks old and poor little Addison is almost 2 and hasn't been yet!  Sorry Addison!!  Needless to say Addison loved it and we will definitely be buying yearly passes and going back soon!!  Jackson enjoyed hanging with his friends Hudson and Chase and Addison was just in awe!!  She loved seeing the penguins and alligators and just loved seeing all the fish!  Then we headed to lunch at Hooters!!  Funny I know but the food was good!!  And then we headed outside to the water and sand part for the afternoon!!  Now keep in mind I didn't bring any bathing suits nor did I bring towels or a change of clothes for either child because it was chilly out!!!  Haha another difference between 1st and 2nd children I always had at least 2 changes of clothes for Jackson when he was Addison's age!  So it didn't take long before Jackson had his shirt off and was soaking wet and Addison managed to stay dry but she loved the sand box which was a whole other issue!!  But they all were having so much fun that it was easy to lose track of time and stay ALL afternoon which meant no nap for Addison which translated into difficult evening!! But it was worth it because the two of them have been talking about the aquarium since!!  Enjoy our pictures we can't wait to go back again soon!!!

The boys!!  

Alligator up close and personal!

Such a gorgeous day!!

So in awe of the animals!

Love this!!!!

She loved the penguins!

So excited for penguins!!

In awe of the stingray!

On the slide!

Exhausted in the sandbox!

Silly boys! Jackson had to borrow one of the boys shirts after getting soaked!! 

Petting the iguana!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Veterans Day Program!

Jackson's school puts on such a lovely Veterans Day Program every year to celebrate the Veterans!  And this year Jackson's class was singing as part of the program too which made it even more special! Jackson had been practicing for weeks and he did such a great job!!  He knew every word and sang it with pride!!  Addison on the other hand was a little antsy so when one of the teachers offered to take her to the playground Ryan and I were all for it!!  She had a ball and Ryan and I were actually able to enjoy the program and watch Jackson sing!!  Happy Veteran's Day!!  Veterans, it is because of you that I am proud, honored and grateful to be an American, Thank you!!

So handsome!

So happy!

Singing the songs!

Everyone Singing away!!

The veterans being honored!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Jackson's 1st Medal!!

Last Saturday Jackson earned his 1st Medal playing Flag Football for his Hard Work!!  Jackson has been trying hard to earn this medal every week so you can only imagine how excited he was when Coach Mike presented him with his very own medal!!!  We are so proud of you Jackson for ALL your hard work this season!!  It has been so much fun watching you play!!  Keep up the hard work it is paying off!!

SO Excited!

Jackson and Brody having snacks after the game!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sleep Study!

So Jackson has been a non sleeper for awhile now well lets be honest since birth!  But after discussing some of his sleep issues with his pulmonologist such as snoring and grinding teeth and taking awhile to go to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night to which we would find him playing on the computer at 4am she decided it would be wise to do a sleep study to find out if it is indeed sleep apnea.  His tonsils are also enlarged and touching which is a big indicator for sleep apnea!  So Friday we spent the night at Tampa General Hospital where they conducted Jackson's sleep study!  They got him all hooked up with a ton of wires and sensors all over him and we finally got him to sleep about 11pm.  He slept on and off until they woke him at 6am.  It was a rough night as Jackson is a mover and a shaker and we had to share a bed coupled with the fact that the nurse had to fix sensors all night by coming into our room about every 20 minutes and I was just plain exhausted on Saturday!!  The nurse said she seems to think he has sleep apnea but we have to wait for final diagnosis from the doctor!!  Glad its over but anxiously awaiting the next step for our Jackson!  

Awaiting the nurse to get Jackson all hooked up!

Starting to get Jackson ready to sleep!

Checking out all the wires and sensors with the awesome Miss Diana!!

Ready to sleep!!  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Honor Roll!

Last Monday was Report Card Day and Jackson came home beaming with Joy that he made Honor Roll!! They don't have honor roll in Kindergarten so this was a BIG deal that the 1st nine weeks he was eligible he made it!! We are just SO proud of him!!  He was proud of himself too but I think he was most excited because he received a Honor Roll spirit stick to proudly display on his backpack!!  1st Grade is no joke the homework has been insane, the lessons are tougher but all that makes it that much more impressive and exciting that that he made honor roll!!!  Here's to lots more Honor Rolls in the future! GREAT JOB Jackson!!  We love you and couldn't be more proud of you!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014!!

There were no tricks this year only treats!!  Mimi and Pop coming to spend Halloween with us was definitely a treat!!  And it was a such a fun treat to see both Addison and Jackson have a great time Trick or Treating this year!!  Jackson loves Halloween and counts down for months so you can only imagine his excitement on the day of!  The day started with bat, ghost and pumpkin toast for breakfast for my little pumpkins! Then Jackson was off to school to do a book report where he had to dress up in his character and present it to the class!!  He was Iron Man and his teacher told me he did great!  So proud of him!!  Then I was able to go in and help Jackson's class make eye ball cookies and glitter slime in the afternoon! It was so much fun and I enjoyed getting to know Jackson's friends!

Halloween Breakfast!

Making cookies with his friends!

Jackson's eyeball cookies......Looking great and delicious!!

Selfie in class!

Making the glitter slime that was a hit!!!

Then Halloween night came and what fun we had in our neighborhood trick or treating with our friends and neighbors.  Mimi and Pop were so sweet to hold down the fort and hand out tons of candy!! Jackson was a Blue Power Ranger and Addison was Alice in Wonderland and oh how cute they both were!!!  In true Jackson fashion he ran with his buddy Zack from house to house while Addison calmly walked to the front doors to say trick or treat!  She liked getting the candy but it was hard to keep up with her brother so after the first few houses we gave her a lollipop and she enjoyed the stroller ride!  Such a fun night with both of our kids, family and friends!  And The candy was abundant and Jackson and Addison definitely had their fill of candy and I will admit so did I!!! Hope you all had as great of a Halloween as we did!!

Love this one!!

Pop and Jackson!

Addison can finally reach the doorbell she thought it was hilarious to get the dogs barking!

Mimi and Addison!

Sweet little Alice! 

Little pumpkin loving the pumpkins!

Blue Power Ranger look out!

Addison is Ready to trick or treat!

Love these two!

The Power Ranger at his best!!!

Enough pictures mom!!

Mimi and Pop with J&A!

Family pic!

Always have to have a family pic!
Jackson and Zack ready to go trick or treating!
Mimi and Addison Trick or Treating!

Our neighborhood friends!

Jackson checking out all the candy he got!!

Happy Happy Halloween!!  Until next year Halloween........