Tuesday, April 29, 2014

10 Years!

I cannot even begin to believe that it has been 10 years since our wedding day! Where have those years gone?? I am guessing we have been on that super fun rollercoaster that I mentioned at Lauren and Rob's wedding..... where we scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh at the loopy loops and enjoy every twist and turn for the ride has been much better because we have shared it together!!! 

Our anniversary was a wonderful day filled with cards, flowers, dinner at Flamestone Grill and a surprise tiffany box from my sweet and thoughtful husband!!! Thank you for continuing to always spoil me Ryan, I am the luckiest girl!!! I love this life we have built together with our little family of 4!!  I love you Ryan Lossius and I thank you for being a wonderful husband, father and truly my best friend!!!

And my favorite quote of all time that my dad said to us on our wedding day.......
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!"

Happiest of Anniversaries!! Its been an unbelievable 10 years!!


SOooooo thoughtful he is!!!


Such a lovely evening together!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hoppy Easter!

What a nice Easter Day we had! Jackson woke up so so excited to hunt for easter eggs and see what the Easter bunny had brought him!  Addison totally understood this egg hunt after her practice round yesterday! It was so cute to see her hunting with Pop! And Jackson was a seasoned pro!!  And it turns out the Easter Bunny was very good to Addison and Jackson! They both played with ALL the goodies they got and had so much fun!!!  Then Kristina and David came over with Ta (Kristina's grandma) and it was so wonderful to see her and spend time with her while the kids all had fun together!!  We miss the Crowley's so much already and cannot wait to see them again hopefully soon!!!!  Then we had to leave to head back to Tampa and our whole car was so sad to leave Mimi and Pop! What a wonderful weekend with family and friends!!!  Happy Easter!!!!!

A few pictures from Saturday night! Addison walking poor little Gidget! 

Loving buster!

Having fun with Gidget!

Love her sweet outfit! Thanks Aunt Suzy and Uncle Bill!!!!

The easter bunny came!

Loves Pepps just like her brother!

Jackson hunting eggs!

Pop and Addison on the hunt!

Jackson found a lot!!

Got one!!

Addison found one!

So sweet!

Jackson checking out his eggs! Addison putting eggs in her basket!

Enjoying a marshmallow already!

Love these two!

Found another egg!


Trying to get snorkeling down for our summer trips!

Having fun with daddy!

Finally got his favorite Peeps donut!

Addison wants one too!

Trying to contain these little girls didnt last long!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt at the Church! Addison's 1st!!!

Saturday morning we went to the Easter Egg hunt at the church and we met the Crowley family for some more Easter fun!!  First the kids ate at the pancake breakfast and enjoyed some donuts and chocolate chip pancakes!!  Then the Egg Hunt started they had it inside this year since it had rained earlier but that didn't stop the kids from having a blast!!  There were eggs everywhere and thousands of them!  Abby and Addison went first and were too cute trying to figure it all out. I think Addison was finally getting the hang of it although she had more fun finding the pens in the pews and drawing on the paper! Then Alex went then Thomas and Jackson entered the hunt! It was so so cute seeing them all so excited and running around filling their baskets with lots of eggs! Then we tried to get a picture of all 5 kids and it was impossible Addison was a runaway baby!!!  Enjoy the tons of pictures I took at the hunt!!!

Sweet Abby before the hunt!

Alex enjoying his chocolate chip pancake!

Jackson eating gum!

Addison and Mimi!

Daddy trying to show Addison to put the eggs in the basket!

Getting the hang of it!!

Abby was doing  great!

So cute these two are!!

She loved the eggs!

Carrying her bunny basket!

Showing Mimi her egg!

Sweet girl!

Alex was filling his basket!

Jackson was excited for his turn!

Thomas and Jackson hunting eggs!

Getting some eggs!

Mimi and Jackson!

Addison trying to break open the starbursts! Love her bunny bow!

Abby giving Addison a hug!

Love her!!!

Thomas was the only one looking!

SO SO cute!!!! Love these girls!!!

Not into Aunt Jessicas pictures anymore!

Best I could get!!

Addison wandering off!

Best I could get of the 5 of them! They were OVER me!

On the go!

Trying to get a picture of these 2 was impossible!

Jackson and aunt Holly!