Thursday, April 17, 2014

Field day!!

Yesterday was field day at Jackson's school!!  It was a BLAST!!  I was so so proud of our little guy he did amazing from the potato sack races to the roller carts to the races he was AWESOME!!  It was so fun to be there to Jackson and all his friends on!!  The music was blaring and the kids were PUMPED!!!  They finished out the day hula hooping and eating ice pops!!  And it was the most beautiful day the weather was cool and crisp couldn't have asked for a better day!!!  Love spending time with our sweet boy!!!  And Addison was a trooper she slept thru half of it and the other half she was so intrigued watching all the kids she did not say ONE WORD! And that rare for Addison! Can't wait until the next field day!!!

Getting ready for field day!!

Jackson and his buddy Addison!

Dizzy Bat Game!

Running Dizzy!

Sweet Baby sound asleep with all the chaos!!

Water Balloon Toss!

Jackson catching the balloon!

The balloon was mid air!

Sack races!

Jackson did awesome!!! He dominated the sack race!!


Jackson is FAST like his daddy!!

Looking back to see whos with him!


Having a blast!

Roller races!

Doing awesome!!!

Hula Hoops and Popsicles!!

Golf Ball on a spoon race!!!

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