Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Jackson!!!

Jackson just loves his birthday and I love to decorate so I decided to surprise him on his birthday morning and it was a success!!  He loved it all and was so surprised!! I put streamers and balloons in the hallway to his room and even in his room and I decorated the table with balloons and birthday gifts!!! It was a great morning he enjoyed a birthday donut for breakfast and he opened his gifts before school!!  Then he said "This birthday is awesome! I wish my birthday was everyday!" Ha! Love that sweet boy!!!  Then I met him for lunch and we had spiderman cupcakes with rings for each of his friends and it was a blast!!! For dinner Jackson wanted to go to The Grill restaurant because he likes their grilled cheese sandwich! Too funny! So we had a fun dinner and then came home and sang happy birthday and had cookie cake!!!  It was a fantastic day!!! Jackson always loves a party and is so full of love and happiness it's contagious!!!!!  I still can't believe we have a 6 year old the years are going by so fast! It seems like just yesterday he was born!!! We love you so so much Jackson and are extremely proud of you!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

Balloons and presents! 
I decorated the hallway to Jackson's room to surprise him in the morning!!

Lacrosse sticks!!++

Opening his presents!

Loving his birthday!!

Enjoying his birthday donut!

Birthday hugs!

The birthday boy with his new wolverine claw!!!

Two cuties!!

At school with his birthday hat!!

Jackson and the girls!

Birthday selfies at lunch!!!

Enjoying their cupcakes!

Showing me their spiderman rings!!
Thanks Aunt Holly and Uncle Tom for my skylander shirt!!!  I love it!!

Addison enjoying a pickle at dinner!

Loving the pickle I swear she will eat and try everything!!!

6 years old!!! haha Jackson was pretending he was 7!!

Our big 6 year old!!!

Cake time!!!

Blowing out his candles!!

The birthday boy got to bring Courdoroy the class bear home for the week!

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