Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend with the Crowley Family!!

We arrived in Jupiter late Thursday night and boy was it a LONG 5 hour trip with two tired children who just wanted to be at Mimi and Pops house! Jackson asked at least 50 times "Are we in Jupiter yet??" But it was all worth it!!  We had such a fantastic weekend!!  Friday the Crowley family came over and it was a great time had by ALL!  The boys played so nicely all day and the girls were so sweet meeting for the first time!! They went fishing and caught lots of fish, had a picnic lunch, went for a ride in Pops boat which they said was a blast and played in the pool ALL day between the other activities!!  We throughly enjoyed the Crowley family and cannot wait to get together again!!! Love you guys!!! Remind us why you don't live in Florida again :-(

Addison before we left Tampa making sure we didn't forget her pink basket to hunt for eggs!
Having a blast!!

David and Abby before their swim!

Mimi and sweet Addison!

Abby riding on the alligator!

Loves her Mimi! Addison is still walking around our house looking for Mimi!

So cute!!

Picnic lunch!

Jackson and Abby! So cute!

This was one of the harder pictures to take to get 5 kids all looking!

Jackson, Thomas and Abby!!

Brotherly love!

Everyone looking on only the 50th retake!

Sweet Abby!

The boys loving Mommy/Aunt Kristina!!



Boys Boat Ride!

Addison trying to steal Abby's pacifier even though Addison hasn't used one since she was 6 months!

Best friends like their Mommies!

Addison loves Haley!

Talking to Mimi!!

Having so much fun in the hottub! 

Enjoying their popsicles!

Ryan's porcupine fish!

Ugly looking thing!

Next catch a catfish!

Their silly faces!

Sweet boys!

Pop and Addison on a walk on the dock!
Best pic I could get although Jackson was not happy his eyes were hurting from the chlorine!
More pool fun!! 
SO Sweet!
Addison and Aunt Kristina!!
Jackson with the kangaroo hat Uncle Rob and Aunt lauren bought him in Australia!
Addison in her pink Uggs that aunt Lauren and Uncle Rob brought her from Australia!!  SOOOO Cute!!!

On the move!!

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