Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hoppy Easter!

What a nice Easter Day we had! Jackson woke up so so excited to hunt for easter eggs and see what the Easter bunny had brought him!  Addison totally understood this egg hunt after her practice round yesterday! It was so cute to see her hunting with Pop! And Jackson was a seasoned pro!!  And it turns out the Easter Bunny was very good to Addison and Jackson! They both played with ALL the goodies they got and had so much fun!!!  Then Kristina and David came over with Ta (Kristina's grandma) and it was so wonderful to see her and spend time with her while the kids all had fun together!!  We miss the Crowley's so much already and cannot wait to see them again hopefully soon!!!!  Then we had to leave to head back to Tampa and our whole car was so sad to leave Mimi and Pop! What a wonderful weekend with family and friends!!!  Happy Easter!!!!!

A few pictures from Saturday night! Addison walking poor little Gidget! 

Loving buster!

Having fun with Gidget!

Love her sweet outfit! Thanks Aunt Suzy and Uncle Bill!!!!

The easter bunny came!

Loves Pepps just like her brother!

Jackson hunting eggs!

Pop and Addison on the hunt!

Jackson found a lot!!

Got one!!

Addison found one!

So sweet!

Jackson checking out his eggs! Addison putting eggs in her basket!

Enjoying a marshmallow already!

Love these two!

Found another egg!


Trying to get snorkeling down for our summer trips!

Having fun with daddy!

Finally got his favorite Peeps donut!

Addison wants one too!

Trying to contain these little girls didnt last long!

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