Friday, August 16, 2013

Tornado Warning!!!!

We had a scary storm come thru Tampa last Friday! I first found out from my friend Layne who called to tell me her husband Mike had gotten a message about a tornado warning in our area via text and then about 2 minutes later I received the same text telling us to take shelter!!  That was it for me!! I grabbed Jackson and Addison and we headed off to my closet to hide!!!  And I would have grabbed Haley but she was already hiding in there!!!  It was a horrible storm that brought crazy high winds, a ton of rain and severe lightening and thunder!!  And poor Ryan was driving home during it and it was so bad he had to pull over!!!  We stayed in the closet until it was over which was about 20 minutes and when we came out our street was completely flooded!!!  But we were thankful Ryan made it home safely and there wasn't much damage done!!!  Jackson is still talking about that scary storm as I am sure he will be for awhile!!  Here's hoping we don't have another one like that again!!!! And here's a picture from our closet party in which Jackson was holding Addison tight so the tornado didn't take her or so he says and all Addison was concerned with was trying to eat my shoes!!! Oh the memories!!!

Hiding in the closet Jackson protecting Addison and Addison looking very frightened by that!!

The flooding on our street after the storm!

1 comment:

  1. What a great guy! I'll bet he will also remember this as an adventure. Good idea to take photos! Glad you are all safe.
