Friday, January 6, 2012

Legoland Florida!!!

On Wednesday we found out that Ryan's trial got continued (which is good for now he can take a breath but bad because it is still hanging over his head) but at least his boss was nice enough to give him the rest of the week off to relax and spend some much needed time with his family!!  So we decided to have a family day at Legoland today!!  It started off a little rough with Jackson not being so into the rides but once he started riding the rollercoasters with Daddy he was sold and had a blast!!!  We drove bumper boats, Jackson went to Junior driving school (and even got his very own drivers license!) the boys went on numerous rollercoasters and Jackson ate lots of popcorn and ice cream!!!  It was so neat to see all the Lego figures that they build I was quite impressed as you will see from all my pictures!  Anyway we had beautiful weather and a fun-filled family day!!! And we are so happy to have Daddy home with us this weekend just having family time we have missed him!!!


Jackson with a Lego Giraffe!

RYan and Jackson in line for a Roller Coaster!

At the top it was so high!!!

In the lego car!

Jackson and I on an airplane ride!

Jackson was having fun!

A car made of all Legos!!

Jackson enjoying his ice cream sandwich!


Jackson on our safari ride!

Making sure the elephant made of Legos doesn't squirt us with water!

Jackson was ducking as the water came out!

The giraffe made of Legos!

At the end of our safari ride!

Miniland USA....The Statue of Liberty made of Legos!!

NYC Skyline of Legos!

Watching the pirate ship legos!

Jackson having fun on the Lego playground!

Jackson and daddy about to ride the Dragon Roller Coaster!

The Dragon!

Going again Jackson loved it so much!

Riding the train Roller Coaster!

Outside the Castle!

Ready for Bumper Boats!

The view from our bumper boat!

Jackson in the Lego Sharks mouth!

Hanging with the lego man!

Getting his drivers license!

Coming around the track!

The Christmas tree made of Legos!

Family picture leaving Legoland!

Love them both!

Goodbye Legoland!! See you again soon!

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