Saturday, July 20, 2013

Happy 1/2 Birthday Addison!!!

Addison is 6 months old and I know I keep saying this but I just can't believe how fast this year is going!!!  Addison is rolling front to back and back to front like a champ and she is not crawling yet but is scooting around to play with her toys!!  Addison has been enjoying solid foods with her favorite being bananas!!  Every time she starts to eat them she smiles and gets so excited!!  She is such a happy baby and still just loves loves loves to be held!!!  Addison is actually doing much better in the car she pretty much sits quietly playing with her toys or goes to sleep!!!  It makes for a much better and happier car ride for all!!!   And just this week Addison finally made the transition into sleeping in her crib aka "The pink palace" we call it and she is doing great!!! She protested and put up quite a fight the first night screaming for 1 hour and 15 minutes :-( which of course made me so sad so I kept going in and patting her on the back and reassuring her she was just fine!!! Then her second night she screamed for 25 minutes and the third night she went to sleep with no crying!!!!  I would say we have achieved success!!!!!  My favorite thing right now is the laughter that comes when Jackson is playing with Addison and they are both giggling and laughing together it is the sweetest sound!!!  Ryan and I celebrated Addison's half birthday on July 10th with a cupcake for her while Jackson was at camp Mimi and Pop so he wasn't with us to celebrate! But boy was he mad when he saw Addison had a cupcake without him so he has asked that we celebrate again on her 7 month birthday :-) It has been such a great 6 months with our sweet Addison filled with lots of laughter, some crying ok maybe a lot of crying but most of all tons of love!!!!  Happy 1/2 birthday Addison we love you to the moon and back!!!

Our little sweetie!!

Sitting up by herself for a second anyway!!

So cute!!!

Love this little smiley girl!!!

Too sweet!!

Oops she fell over!!!

Getting bigger in that big chair!!!

Cupcake for her half birthday!!

She tried to devour it!!!! She managed to get a bite!!

We almost had a fire with this picture she definitely tried to grab it!!

And dinner wore her out!!


Love this picture blue outfit = super blue eyes!!!

Jackson's back redo the 6 month pictures with Jackson!!

Jackson was over me at this point!!!

Had to basically bribe them both for these!!

So happy in her little Lilly!!!

Night #3 asleep with no crying in her pink palace!!

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