Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!!

Mondays always have the stereotype for being unpleasant as we have to go back to work after a nice weekend off and that definitely seemed to be the case at the Lossius household today! And it wasn't until Action Jackson brightened the evening after a long day of work for this Mom and Dad to turn the day around!!  Daddy was actually able to come home at a reasonable hour which always makes us happy!! And when he arrived Jackson was full of tons of energy (thanks to the all the M&M's he has consumed for potty training but hey you have to do what works right?!) and lots of love which is always a nice welcome home!!  Jackson decided it was hilarious to wear Daddy's shoes around and pretend to go to work like Daddy, spout out new phrases he has learned and be just plain silly to make us laugh and I have to say it worked!!  So here are a few pictures for you all to enjoy on what is now a Happy Monday!!

Crazy Hair!!


Going to work like daddy!

Notice our new potty watch!! Its been a big hit!

He told me this was his silly face!

Handsome boy!!

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy you are in Daddy's shoes.
