Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa's Pre-flight Parade In Westchase!

Today was the annual Santa's pre-flight parade in Westchase and boy was Jackson excited!!!  We have been talking about this all week so naturally he was anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival all day!! The weather was perfect although a little cooler would have been nice but nonetheless we still had hot chocolate and cookies (which Jackson ate plenty of) before Santa arrived!! The parade came right through our neighborhood and all the kids were so thrilled to see Santa!!  They got beads and candy canes and just had a blast!!!!  It is such a great holiday event that The Westchase Charitable Foundation puts on for the kids and parents alike!!!!

Jackson riding his bike to the parade!!

Jackson and Daddy before the parade!
I told you Jackson enjoyed some cookies!!

Waiting for santa oh so patiently!

Santa's Coming!!

Playing tag before Santa arrived and this is his fall in action which he quickly go t up and kept running!!

Jackson and his friend Caroline!

He sees Santa!!! So cute!

Santa's Here!

Sitting on Daddy's shoulders!

The parade coming back around!!

Elmo and all his friends!!

Jackson saying goodbye to Santa!

See you next year!!

Enjoying his candy cane from Santa!

Lots of Beads from the parade!!

I think we are ready for Gasparilla!
Such a great afternoon as you can tell from Jackson's ear to ear smile!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is looking so handsome these days!!! Looks like fun!!
