Thursday, February 20, 2014

Down and Out!!

I haven't blogged in a few weeks because 3 out of 4 of us in the Lossius house were down and out!!! It all started when Addison woke up at 2:45am February 4th crying and I knew something was wrong since she wasn't standing screaming in her bed I ran into her room to pick her up and she was ON FIRE!  I took her temp and it was 104.9! Yikes called the doctor and put her in the bath!  She continued to run high fevers all week but thankfully never got to that temperature again!  Then the next day Wednesday Jackson came home from school sick so off we went to the night clinic to have both kids checked again....strep test negative for Jackson, Addison did a 2nd flu test and RSV test both negative! But Addison was wheezing from her upper respiratory infection so onto the nebulizer we went! Thursday Ryan stays home sick and thinks he has the flu! So now Jackson, Addison and Ryan all seem to have different illnesses and I am trying to quarantine them to different parts of the house!! Jackson and Addison both still sick with fevers that day! Then Friday Addison was finally starting to feel better and Jackson spikes a fever again off to the doctor we go to find out Jackson has mononucleosis!!!  Really our 5 year old has the "kissing disease" so of course we asked him who he has been kissing since I needed humor or I was going to cry.....His reply was no one! Umm not sure I entirely believe that one!  And I am not sure how I am going to contain my action Jackson for 6-8 weeks!!!  That seems like it will be next to impossible!!!  We had to cancel Jackson's season of baseball and suspend karate for 6-8 weeks!!!  And Jackson has had to stay home from school for a week!  Although he shouted hooray when I broke that news!!!  Karate and Baseball he was a little more bummed about!!  Not a stellar two weeks but the good news is I think we are are finally returning to normal or what we call normal anyway in the Lossius house!!!!!! I haven't taken too many pictures due to the sicknesses but I managed to grab a few!!

Hanging out in their chairs together!!!!

Addison LOVES the blue car! She rides around the neighborhood like the princess she is waving at everyone!! Too cute!! 
Dancing to her stroller music!!

Jackson carefully riding his bike! Again how do you contain a 5 year old boy who loves to be outside!

Addison walking all around with her babies!

Jackson building tall buildings with magna tiles! The best toy ever!

Playing prince and princess! I should mention this picture of these two all hugged up was prior to everyone getting sick!

Out for a walk!

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