Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tonsil Surgery!

Three weeks today Jackson had tonsil surgery hence my big time delay in blogging! The original date of surgery was June 16th however the week before Jackson had a very bad stomach flu which set him back and all doctors agreed to push the surgery back a week to recover. So surgery was reschedule for June 23rd.  Surgery went well it was super quick like 20 minutes quick!  It took us longer to drive there especially since I got us lost twice and not to mention it was the same center Jackson had his adenoids out at oops!  I have to give it to the surgeon though she explained the healing process and it was right on!  We arrived home and we had two days that he was feeling pretty great then days 3-6 were not so good as he didn't feel like eating anything and he was having lots of facial and ear pain all normal but tough nonetheless.  We were rotating tylenol and motrin every 3 hours all day everyday trying to control the pain sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. Then day 7 he was better and then he was down again 8-11.  Thank goodness for Mimi coming to help us and Otie watching Addison we made it through.  Poor little guy lost weight and was just pretty miserable for the entire 2 weeks but I am happy to report he is on the mend and back to our action Jackson and we wouldn't want it any other way!!! His tonsils were 3-4 times the average size (7grams yikes!) and infected so we are happy they are out!!  Here are a few pictures in the recovery phases!  Thank you to everyone for their prayers and well wishes!!  We appreciate it all!!  Just happy to have our little guy back to himself!!

He wanted a donut so we ran out and got him a donut after a few days of not wanting to eat!

Getting a little vitamin D!!!

Addison in her elsa dress playing nurse and giving jackson some water!

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