Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jackson's 1st Day of School in the 3 Year Old Class!

Well summer flew by and now we are in school mode!! Today was Jackson's 1st day of school in the 3 year old class at Rainbow Garden!! We had a much better 1st day this year than last year!  Last year Jackson and I both had tearful goodbyes!  This year Jackson walked right into Miss Michele's class without even giving me a kiss or saying goodbye (which kind of made me want to cry but I had to smile at what a big boy he has become!) He was totally ready to start his 1st Day!

I stayed to observe for a few minutes (hiding outside the classroom of course) and it seemed as Jackson had turned into a totally different child being so polite and listening and following directions and he even cleaned up his toys when the teacher asked him to!!  It was amazing I wanted to stay all day!!!!  But of course off to work I went but I came back for pick up to see how Jackson's 1st day was!  And Miss Michele informed me he had a great day with his new friends and that he is a wiz at putting together difficult puzzles which she was very impressed by!!  We are so excited about all the fun things this year will bring!!

Enjoy a few pictures of Jackson's 1st Day!! We only had time for a few since we were running late as usual or maybe this is the reason we were late?!? Hard to tell!!

What a big boy!

I'm ready to take the picture and go to school mom!

Jackson and Haley!

Jackson wanted to bring Haley to school with him!

Haley wasn't so sure!

So handsome!

Let's Go I'm ready Mom and we are late!

1 comment:

  1. He is soo handsome! Can't wait to see him in person soon!
