Thursday, October 30, 2014

3 Touchdowns for Jackson!

Last Saturday Jackson had a flag football game and boy did he give it his all and play his best!!  Ryan was the coach which was fun to watch too!  It's hard to coach these little guys but Ryan did a great job so proud of him!!  And the best part was Jackson scored 3 touchdowns in the game which was all the points scored by our team in the game!!  YAY!!  Go Jackson!!!  It was just so exciting to see him run into the end zone and have his team cheering for him!!  Ryan and I were just so proud of him and I think he was proud of himself too!!  He is such a good little athlete and is just loving flag football!!  Only a couple games left although winter season is right around the corner!!  Just love our Saturdays at the football field such beautiful weather and its such a joy to watch Jackson play and have fun!!
Enjoy the pictures!  In proud mom fashion I took a bunch!!

Getting set!

Running fast!!

Breaking the tackle!

Run Jackson Run!

Touchdown #1!

Water Break!

Jackson #18 Running in touchdown #2! His little teammate Kendall was excited for Jackson!

Huddle with coach!

Running for #3!

Good Game!

The boys!

Go Mighty Gators Go!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Zoo Boo!!

Last Friday night we headed to ZooBoo!!  It was Addison's first ZooBoo event and I think its safe to say she had a great time!!! They both loved all the halloween decorations and of course the rides were a big hit too!!  Jackson and Ryan headed straight to the roller coaster......their favorite!!  And Addison and I headed to the train ride!!  Addison absolutely loved it and continued to talk about the choo choo train all night long and even into the next day which was super cute!  The other favorite part of the evening was the aquarium section of the zoo!!  Jackson was excited to see all the fish that he knew (which was a lot) and then learning the ones he didn't.  And Addison just stood in awe of the aquarium so so sweet!! And then we ended the night with Jackson and Ryan going in a few haunted houses!!  Jackson said they weren't scary at all!!!  It was a fun filled family event at the zoo!  Just love all the fun events this time of year!!

Rollercoaster Ride!!!

Flying bananas!

Flying by!! 
Jackson enjoying cotton candy in the aquarium!

Addison spotting a fish!

Love this!!!!  Pure Awe!

Addison and Daddy!

Family pic in the aquarium!

Leaving zooboo....until next year!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Boosterthon Fun Run!!!

 The 2nd Annual Boosterthon Fun Run was this past Thursday at Jackson's school and what a fun event it was!!!  And it was a cool crisp beautiful morning which made it even better!!!  They had the music pumping and the energy flowing!!  The children were projected to run 30-35 laps for this fun run to raise money for the school!!  And Jackson actually ran 42 laps!!  He even continued to run until the the whistle was blown to signal it was over!!  We are so proud of our little guy!!  Jackson had an absolute blast running with all his 1st grade buddies and I had a blast watching him and cheering him on!!!!  Here are some cute pictures for you to enjoy!!!

Waiting to run!

And hes off!

Completed his first lap!

Running by!!!
I snapped a picture as he got some water!

42 Laps completed!
Jackson's class after the run!
Jackson's class with Mrs. Wallace!
Such a sweet boy!!

Jackson and his friend Maria!!

So much fun!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Park Date with Friends and My Gym!

My good friend Carolyn came into town last week so we decided to meet at the park and let the kiddos play!!!  Jackson was in school so I took Addison to have her very own playdate with Carolyn's kiddos Reagan and Jackson! So funny she has a Jackson too!!  Addison and Reagan are actually only 17 days apart Reagan is a Christmas Eve baby and of course Addison is January 10th!!  So cute!!  Addison had a blast playing on the swings and slides!!  And definitely enjoyed sharing some goldfish with her new friends!  So a funny Addison story.....the squirrels at the park were very friendly to say the least so I told Addison to stay away from them or they would bite her! So after that anyone she saw she told them "squirrel bite me"!!  Of course I got some weird looks!! But it was hilarious definitely had Jackson and I dying laughing!!!  So fun to see our sweet friends and we are looking forward to their next visit!!  Can't wait for our girls to be Delta Delta Deltas together at Florida!!!

She thinks its ok!

Still making sure its ok!


Another slide!

Goldfish snack with her buddies!

Reagan and Addison! Sweet friends!!

Slurpees after school for a great week!!!

Addison and I also went to My Gym last week! We had such a great time together!!  She is definitely a sweet little girl who is actually a great listener in circle time and a good sharer in class!! However for the record Addison says MINE at home instead of sharing!!  Enjoy the pictures!!

At the car wash!!!

Addison loves bubbles!!

On the swing!!

Having so much fun!!


She just loves this swing for 2!

Sweet girl!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Jackson had the day off from school on Monday and his one request was to go to a pumpkin patch!! Well Jackson was thrilled because we actually went to 2!!  First we went to the HydePark pumpkin Patch and realized it was very picked over but we did get some good pictures!! Jackson was a delight he smiled and took as many pictures as I wanted Addison on the other hand was obsessed with a dog and chased after it the whole time and it was almost next to impossible to get her to sit and take a picture!!  Here are a few we managed to captured!!

Happy Happy!

Best I could get!
Jackson loves pumpkins! 

Finally giving me a little smile!

Watching the puppy!

Love her sweet little profile!

Checking out the pumpkins!

She spotted another dog! LOL

Next stop was the Methodist Church Pumpkin patch in Palm Harbor they had tons of great pumpkins and we always like to support the methodist churches!!  Addison just kept yelling pumpkin she was just amazed by how many there were!!  She was slightly better there since there were no dogs thank goodness but she was ON THE MOVE!!  Jackson and I basically spent the whole time chasing her around the pumpkins but I think we got a good carve worthy pumpkin!!  It was a fun afternoon at the pumpkin patches!!  After we headed to Chick Fil A for some lunch and then home for Miss Addison to nap and Jackson and I had some play time!!  It was a great break from school!!!  And we are counting the days until Halloween!!!

Just hanging out on the pumpkins at the East Lake pumpkin patch!! 

Love this one!!  Told you he was all smiles!!

Playing with the pumpkins!

Love this of her!!

Such a handsome boy!

Enjoying her cookie!


Addison is over it!

Sweet kiddos!!

Addison Amongst the pumpkins!

She looks like she is going to steal one and run! Photo shoot over!