Sunday, October 5, 2014

Math Night!

Thursday night was math night at Jackson's school! The real reason behind Jackson wanting to go was the 2 spirit sticks they were giving out!! Jackson is all about the spirit sticks these days he has 14 after math night!! It is a cute program where the kids can earn spirit sticks when they do good deeds at school.  Jackson earned one for helping a friend do an activity in PE class! And another one for demonstrating good behavior in Music!!!  So proud of him!!  Then of course you can also buy different spirit sticks which supports the school!! However the last time they sold them it was a debacle!! There were about 200 kids waiting in line before school to buy spirit sticks it was just insane and of course there were 30 to choose from and Jackson wanted all 30!!! So I am trying to reiterate the fact that its better to earn them since they mean so much more!!!!  Math night was a huge hit they probably had 15-20 tables set up with different math activities from estimator activities to geometry to measuring!!  Jackson did great at all the stations think Math is his strong suit!!  We had such a fun night!!!  Enjoy a few pictures from Math Night!!

Marshmallow and stick geometry!

Practicing Right angles!

Learning the difference between the angles!

Counting fruitloops with Coach! Jackson just loves his PE Coach!

Math Night Spirit sticks!

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