Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Layne's Surprise Party!!!

Bridget and I decided to have a Surprise party for Layne to celebrate her birthday!!!  We had been planning for weeks and Layne had no idea which is the best part!  And boy did Bridget and I have a blast planning this pink and orange themed party!!  Since we love Pinterest we were all about putting all the creative ideas into action for Layne's big surprise!!  From the "birthday cake" martinis to the pink and orange wrapping paper table runner to the pretzel buttons and of course their was a Happy Birthday pennant since we know Layne loves her pennants!!!  So Layne originally thought she was going to dinner at Catch 23 with Shawn and Bridget and Ryan and I so we definitely SURPRISED her when she opened the door and saw her friends and family there to welcome her!!!  Love it!!!!  Layne is an amazing person and is always doing the sweetest things for everyone so we wanted to do something super fun and sweet for her!!  Mission Accomplished the party was a smashing success!!!  And a huge thank you to Bridget and Shawn for hosting the party at their beautiful home and for all the hard work they did for the party!!  You were an awesome co-host Bridget thank you!!! Enjoy the pictures they are so fun!!!

Layne and Mike walking in!!

Surprise!! Love Layne's expression!!!

Layne and her mom!!! So sweet!

Layne, Jen and Kristen!

Layne and her cousin Rebecca who came from Jacksonville to celebrate with Layne how sweet!!

Layne, Bridget and I!!!

Layne and I!!

The party decorations!!

The Birthday Cake" Martini's!!
Here is the recipe on Pinterest of anyone is interested!!! Yummy!!

The Cake!

The cupcakes from "Gigi's Cupcakes" in South Tampa! Delicious!!

Pink and Orange pretzel buttons!!

Chicken Salad croissants!!

Great picture of Layne and Mike!!

Bridget and Layne!!

Making a wish!!

Layne and her brother Chris!!!
Ryan and I!!!

Happy Birthday my sweet friend!!!!!!!!!! And many more.........

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