Thursday, May 24, 2012

School's Out for Summer!!

Today was Jackson's last day of school in the 3 year old class!!  I can't even believe how fast this year has gone by and on this past Tuesday I enrolled Jackson in the VPK program!!  How is that even possible!!!  Jackson was so excited for his ocean themed end of the year party today and to give his teachers their gifts (which I had a blast making!!) And shockingly enough we were actually on time for school today of course the last day and just about the only day we were on time all year!!  I even called my mom on our way to school and she said "Wow you guys are early today why?!?"  Oh well maybe we will have better luck next year!!!  And although Jackson was excited for the party this morning, he came home this afternoon from school and told me he was going to really miss his friends :-(  which makes me sad because most of his friends won't be in the same class next year including Brynna (but shhh don't tell Jackson it will ruin his summer).  

But on a happy note we received Jackson's progress report and he did very well!!  He grew 1 1/4 inches from the first day of school and gained 4 pounds and he received mostly 1's (which means skill is consistently evident) and just a few 2's (which means Skill is developing) so naturally Ryan and I are proud parents!!!  And Jackson's teacher Miss Michele said Jackson's loving, exuberant personality makes him a joy to have in class!!  All in all a great year and we are looking forward to a fabulous and relaxing summer full of fun activities for our little guy!!!!!!

1st Day of School in the 3 year old class!! August 2011

Last Day of school in the 3 year old class!! He looks so much more grown up!
What a difference 9 months makes!
May 2012 
Trying to get a good smile!

Jackson and Daddy!!

Jackson and Isaac on their way into the last day!

Jackson and Miss Michele!

Jackson and Brynna!

Miss Michele's Gift a bag of her favorite things...licorice, candle, and a Dillards gift card!

Miss Lindsay's gift she loves the we did a beach towel, a magazine, sunscreen and some candy!

And the ladies in the office are always so good to us so I made them apple nachos with a little note!!

Let the Good Times of Summer Begin!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So grown up Jackson! Glad your school year was a good one. I'm almost done teaching too! Your mom did a great job on the presents, maybe she will share the apple nacho receipe. Love, Gigi and Grandpa
